Starting the New Year with Complexity: Ethiopia Natural Bedhatu Jibicho

Starting the New Year with Complexity: Ethiopia Natural Bedhatu Jibicho

During the holiday weekend, and really, throughout much of 2020, I found myself retreating to easy-going coffees in the early mornings to ground myself. Rich, full-bodied, chocolatey coffees have a special place in my heart now more so than ever,  because when hugs from family and friends have become so few and far between, one of the few things I can turn to for comfort is a hug in a mug. But now that 2021 is here and moving forward minute by minute, I’m doing my best to gather myself and prepare to take my first steps into the new year. I had hopes that a cold plunge at Ocean Beach on New Year’s day would reset my system and give me some new life, but in times I need a jolt to help keep me blasting through the beginning of 2021, I’ll be sipping on Ethiopia Natural Bedhatu Jibicho.

The most fruity natural coffees will carry an intense berry flavor, however the Ethiopia Natural Bedhatu Jibicho ranges far beyond. Like it’s washed counterpart, Ethiopia Bedhatu Jibicho, it’s incredibly aromatic and complex—so much that one may say, “wait, THIS is coffee?” We set our tasting notes to nectarine, fresh cranberry, and framboise, but we also pick up plenty of blueberry, blackberry jam, jasmine, and lavender. All coffees are inherently bitter, and we generally try to minimize or control the level of bitterness through the roasting and coffee brewing process. However, the bitterness expressed in this coffee through its winey and floral qualities is to be celebrated, and to “roast it out” would be taking away what makes this coffee so special. Bitterness is often thought of as a negative attribute, but when well balanced, it can transform a tasting experience from great to exceptional. There is a newfound appreciation for the undesirable when one discovers that, surprisingly, there is a place where it is welcomed. During a time when it’s difficult to find inspiration or things to look forward to, having something that can incite amusement and wonder can most certainly whet the imagination. 

If this blog post is starting to sound like a love letter, it’s because it is one. And while I’ve never thought of myself as one who would write sweet nothings about a coffee, I’ve also never thought of myself as someone who would write anything at all, nor someone who would become a coffee and sensory professional. And yet, here I am doing things that were in my cards all along. This coffee is not for the faint of heart; Natural Bedhatu Jibicho is a show stopping coffee that people either love or hate for its unapologetic uniqueness. You may or may not be the curious type that likes surprises, but if you find yourself asking, “what else is possible?” this coffee may help you find some answers.

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