We spend a lot of time planning our green coffee purchases and coffee release schedule to ensure that the coffees we offer are fresh. When Shelter in Place began in March, we didn’t really know what to expect and what this meant for our coffee program. To our surprise, single origin coffees were flying off the shelves! We had a lovely washed coffee from Ethiopia Bedhatu Jibicho that was supposed to last us until the end of May, but it only lasted us through the beginning of April!
Instead of lining up another African coffee to follow Ethiopia Bedhatu Jibicho, we took this opportunity to explore coffees from Southeast Asia and work towards our goal of representing more coffee growing regions. While we were excited to introduce coffee from Timor-Leste and Indonesia, we are now just as excited to have this washed coffee from Rwanda. We haven’t had a Rwandan coffee on our menu since 2018, and we’re thrilled to have it as the first African coffee back on our menu.
The Rwanda Dukunde Kawa Mbilima is incredibly refreshing. It has a bright acidity similar to pink grapefruit, a sweet and sticky body that reminds us of deglet dates, and a mild, sweet, floral finish similar to honeysuckle.
To purchase a bag of this coffee or learn more about the Dukunde Kawa Cooperative, click on this link: Purchase Rwanda Dukunde Kawa Mblima
Sorting coffee on the drying beds at the Mbilima Mill. Photo By Royal Coffee
Sorting through cherries at the Mbilima Mill. Photo by Royal Coffee