Peru Women's Coffee APROCCURMA

Peru Women's Coffee APROCCURMA

Just like the rest of the world, our farming partners in Peru are facing extreme challenges from the COVID-19 crisis. Peru enforced a strict national lockdown in response to the pandemic in the middle of March, right around the corner of peak harvest season. As the leading country that supplies certified organic coffees worldwide, many coffee buyers, especially ones that rely solely on selling organic coffees, were concerned about how the shutdown would affect production and exports.

Coffee in Peru was considered non-essential, and with curfews in place and closed borders limiting seasonal workers to pick cherries, the amount of coffee delivered to washing stations decreased. More than half the farms in Peru are under 5 hectares, and while it made harvesting more manageable for families and neighbors, many crops still went unharvested.

Coffees are depulped, washed, and dried. Coffees are rotated regularly to ensure even drying. Photo by Royal Coffee

Coffees are depulped, washed, and dried. Coffees are rotated regularly to ensure even drying. Photo by Royal Coffee

It’s difficult to predict how this will affect Peruvian coffee producers and farmers moving forward and what harvest will look like next year, but Peruvian people are resilient and are adapting to changes. Harvest season in Peru ended about a month ago, and we’re excited to share this fresh coffee from women farmers associated with Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros de la Cuenca del Rio Marañón (APROCCURMA).

APROCCURMA has been working directly with women producers for the past five years to help establish land ownership, and they provide training on best practices to protect the environment and organic farm management. Despite the challenges farmers have encountered this year, they have produced a coffee that is both sweet and comforting. It makes a perfect cup for an Autumn morning!

Click on the following link to purchase a bag of Peru Women’s Coffee APROCCURMA: 

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FAQ: Does Andytown Carry Organic Coffee?

FAQ: Does Andytown Carry Organic Coffee?