Letter: Supply Chain Problems Abound, And Prices Keep Going Up

Dear Andytown Customers,

The past year and a half has been incredibly disruptive for all of us. We know that every person has been impacted by the pandemic and the constant stress of living through a global health crisis has been detrimental to everyone’s well being. At Andytown, we’ve tried our best to remain a constant in our customer’s lives—to provide consistency of product and service when the world is chaotic and unpredictable. 

As the prices of ingredients and packaging rose over the past year, we’ve absorbed the costs. We haven’t wanted to raise prices and place even more hardships on our customers. Unfortunately, our costs are continuing to rise with no end in sight. Coffee prices are skyrocketing, packaging prices are climbing, freight costs are rising. Not all of these changes are COVID-related. Climate change has had a massive negative effect on crop yield in many of the countries we work with, and political instability has also effected farmer’s ability to export in many countries. All of our suppliers have expressed that these price increases are here to stay.

It’s never easy to raise prices. We haven’t had a significant price increase in over two years, but we know that if we don’t raise prices now, our business will no longer be sustainable. We refuse to compromise our quality of product or cut payroll costs and run the risk of providing lesser service. We haven’t come to this decision lightly, and we hope you all understand.

Please reach out to us directly if you have any questions, concerns, or would like further clarification on why we’ve had to come to this decision.

Thank you for your continued support,

Lauren Crabbe & Michael McCrory

Owners, Andytown Coffee Roasters


Our direct emails if you have any questions, comments, or complaints:



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