Experimentation Continues: New Costa Rican Coffee from Café Rivense Del Chirripó

On all fronts, many stories and updates these days often start with how difficult things were when the pandemic began, and unfortunately, the start of this one is no different. Last year we weren’t sure if we would be able to work with Café Rivense Del Chirripó because of so many uncertainties that the pandemic brought upon us. But by chance, we were able to work something out later in the year and use their coffee to fundraise for Robbie. (Update: he's doing great!) It was bittersweet; while we didn’t have the ability to purchase the same amount we did during our first year of working together, we felt that having the ability to purchase some of their coffee was better than none. As we continue to move forward, we can only hope that things will continue to get better for all of us. Despite hardships, Rivense Del Chirripó has also continued to work on improvements at the farms and the mill, and we’ve been able to commit to more coffee this year.

Cupping at the Rivense Del Chirripó coffee lab. From left to right: Luis Felipe, Isabel, Mario, Esteban, and Ricardo

Cupping at the Rivense Del Chirripó coffee lab. From left to right: Luis Felipe, Isabel, Mario, Esteban, and Ricardo

We love the full honey processed coffee from their Los Cipreses family farm, and we received two samples from the recent harvest. One was the full honey that we have come to love, and the other was a full honey processed coffee that went through an extra step in fermentation: after being dried for 4-5 days with mucilage intact, the coffees were placed in sealed bags to create an environment with low oxygen. The bags were then stored under shade for 2-3 days before the coffee was removed and placed in a mechanical dryer for approximately 48 hours.

In the full honey process, coffee cherries are depulped and placed on raised drying beds with the mucilage 100% intact.

In the full honey process, coffee cherries are depulped and placed on raised drying beds with the mucilage 100% intact.

The mucilage—or honey—becomes stickier as it dries,  and the coffees are raked on a regular basis to promote even drying and break up any clumping.

The mucilage—or honey—becomes stickier as it dries, and the coffees are raked on a regular basis to promote even drying and break up any clumping.

Mechanical drying is new to Rivense. Since the Urena Rojas family started their business, environmental preservation was always a priority, and their honey and natural coffees were always sun-dried. Over the years, their production has continued to increase, and the constantly changing weather has proven to be a challenge. How can they reduce the damage risk posed by long, rainy seasons? With the availability of new, advanced technology, they decided to push forward with incorporating a mechanical static dryer to their mill. Of course, they did this while making sure that adding this equipment would not compromise the quality and defining characteristics of honey and natural coffees. The mechanical dryer allows them to finish drying coffees when needed (especially during unpredictable weather changes). To power the dryer, they’re also able to use waste such as coffee parchment to heat the oven, which significantly reduces their need for firewood. So far, the results of using the mechanical dryer have been positive: coffee drying is more homogenous and their production capacity has also increased.

The newly installed mechanical drier at the  mill

The newly installed mechanical drier at the mill

View of the mechanical drier from the top

View of the mechanical drier from the top

We we would have been happy to carry either coffee that was offered to us this harvest season. However, the Los Cipreses Full Honey Special Fermentation lot is a testament to Rivense’s hard work, and simply put, it is an incredibly delicious coffee. It reminds us of concord grape, gummy candy, and raspberry lambic. If you’re looking to satisfy your sweet tooth, this coffee just might get the job done!

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