The mining industry plays a significant role in Peru, responsible for 60-65 percent of total exports in Peru and contributing 10-12% of the country’s GDP. However, mining has also been a source of conflict; its rapid growth and expansion of large-scale mining projects have contributed to land degradation and water shortages in local communities. To protect farmers' livelihoods and combat mining companies from further encroaching on the area, farmers in San Ignacio, Cajamaraca–one of the top regions for precious metals–banded together and created the APROCASSI cooperative in 2000. As a unified group of small-scale producers, they would be more effective in conserving their lands.
some members of the aprocassi cooperative
APROCASSI is short for Asociación Priovincial de Cafetaleros Solidario San Ignacio. Today, it has 634 members. On average, each farmer cultivates 7 hectares of land and grows coffee and other crops. APROCASSI has two main receiving stations: their original office in San Ignacio and their newer office in Jaén. Smaller community hubs are composed of 15-18 farmers, and they organize their coffee at a central location before transporting it to one of the main receiving stations. Each hub has a president, and they meet with APROCASSI staff and field technicians several times a year to receive training and other important information. The president then shares this information with the other farmers in the hub. Some of the training APROCASSI facilitates includes improving fertilization techniques and drying processes. They also support members through other projects like income diversification and seedling nurseries. They fund this through the price premiums they receive from their certifications, including Fair Trade, USDA Organic, and Rainforest Alliance. Of the 75 containers they ship worldwide annually, 70% are Fair Trade Organic certified–this lot included.
This coffee by APROCASSI is cozy and comforting. It has a lovely apple acidity, but what we love most about this coffee is its smooth body that reminds us of cashew butter and fudge. It’s an easy-drinking coffee that will pair with just about anything!